Roberta Benedict Serves As Expert Coach For Bucknell University Grants

Aug 10, 2019 at 09:00 am by Amanda Lai

Brockport Research Institute (BRI) Grant Writing Associate Roberta Benedict served as an expert coach for two successful grant applications from Bucknell University, providing guidance to the PI and team throughout the writing process. As a grant coach, Roberta provided guidance and feedback on the proposals and advised the PI team on proposal areas that could be strengthened or clarified.

Both grants were awarded by the National Science Foundation as part of their Facilitating Research at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) program. The RUI program supports faculty research projects at predominantly undergraduate institutions in order to build capacity for research at the institution as well as to promote the integration of research and education.

The Bucknell University projects that were funded include:

Congratulations to Roberta, the primary investigators, and Bucknell University for the successful proposals. BRI matches associates from our network of subject-matter and grant-opportunity experts to the needs of your organization. For more information, contact for more information.

Tags: coaching Grant Grant Winners grants NSF STEM
Sections: Grant Winners 2019