Grant Opportunity: The Captain Planet Foundation's grant program provides funding and material support to schools and nonprofit organizations for projects that engage youth in hands-on environmental stewardship opportunities. This program aims to inspire youth to become become agents of change for the environmental problems by using the nature as a context for STEM learning.
Awards are available in multiple categories including material support and monetary support .
- Material Support Grants provide curated material and activity kits for students. The ecoSTEM Resource Kits Program provides curated activity kits around environmental themes for teachers.
- Monetary Support Grants are distributed in the following two categories:
- ecoTech grants support projects that leverage technology to achieve greater or innovative environmental outcomes.
- ecoSolution grants provides broad financial support for youth-led environmental projects for the purchase of materials and other expenses.
Eligibility: Tax-exempt organizations, including schools and nonprofit organizations, located in the United States with an annual operating budget of less than $3 million.
Grant Amount: Individual awards in the ecoTech category will amount to $2,500. Awards in the ecoSolution category will range from $500 and $2,500.
Application Deadline: July 15, 2020
For more information: For more information, please see the ecoTech website.
Brockport Research Institute provides grant-writing, evaluation, and professional learning services. For questions or more information, please call the office (585) 431- 3416 or contact us: