Dr. Kimberly Ganley Presents Poster Session at 2022 Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health

Nov 30, 2022 at 11:50 pm by Amanda Lai

BRI Senior Evaluator Kimberly Ganley, Ed.D., was recently a presenter at the 2022 Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health at the University of Maryland alongside Princella Learry, MPA, SDL, and Laura Ficarra, Ph.D. This year's conference theme, The Three Rs: Reflect, Recover, Renew, focused on the school-family-community relationship for mental health promotion, prevention, and intervention.
The research team presented NY Project AWARE at a Glance, a poster highlighting the activities of Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education) in New York State. Project AWARE, a five-year grant funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), aims to address the needs of students with severe emotional disturbances. Their presentation highlighted impact data related to policy development, training, workforce development, partnerships/ collaborations, screening, referral, and access to service along with lessons learned and best practices.
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