Funding for STEM Fields in Minority Serving Universities

Jan 05, 2020 at 04:18 pm by Amanda Lai

Grant Opportunity: The Minority Serving Institutions Partnership Program (MSIPP) is administered by the United States Department of Energy's (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and aims to increase the participation of minority serving institutions (MSIs) and their students in the STEM fields. MSIPP funds partnerships between the DOE/NNSA and faculty and students in MSIs by providing opportunities to do research in DOE/NNSA complexes for at least eight weeks per academic year. 

University-led research proposals are accepted in the following STEM fields: 

Eligibility: Proposals may be submitted by consortia comprised of between two and four MSIs (including Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities and Hispanic Serving Institutions). Applicant institutions may be in the private or public sector. For more information on eligibility requirements, please visit the United States Department of Education's website on MISs. 

Grant Amount: Individual awards will range between $500,000 and $1,000,000 annually. 

Grant Period: The grant period for this grant is three to five years. 

Important Dates: 

For more information:  For more information, please see the grant announcement here with funding opportunity number DE-FOA-0002144. 

Brockport Research Institute provides grant-writing, evaluation, and professional learning services.  For questions or more information, please contact us at or call the office (585) 431-3416.

Tags: 2020 STEM
Sections: Grant Opportunities Higher Education