Humanities Initiatives Grants Open for Projects Starting in 2023!

Feb 02, 2022 at 11:50 pm by Amanda Lai

Grant Opportunity: The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is once again accepting applications for their Humanities Initiatives Grants for projects starting in 2023! This program aims to strengthen the teaching and study of the humanities by providing funding for institutions of higher education for the development of new or the enhancement of current humanities programs. While the Humanities Initiative program will accept applications for projects that advance work in the humanities areas as listed in 1965 National Foundation for the Arts and Humanities Act, the NEH is particularly interested in funding projects in the following areas:
Eligibility: U.S. accredited public or 501(c)(3) private institutions of higher education are eligible to apply for Humanities Initiatives Grants. Humanities Initiatives grants are administered in the following programs:
For a list of eligibility criteria for each program, click here.
Grant Amount/ Grant Period: The maximum award for Humanities Initiatives grants is $150, 000. The project period will range from one to three years with projects starting between February 1st, 2023 and September 1st, 2023
Important Deadlines:
For more informationClick here to request for proposals.
Brockport Research Institute provides grant-writing, evaluation, project management, and professional learning services. For questions or more information, please call the office or contact us:
Tags: Grant Opportunities Higher Education HigherEd Humanities
Sections: Grant Opportunities