Funding Opportunity: EPSCoR Research Incubators for STEM Excellence

Dec 20, 2024 at 10:02 am by Elizabeth Sodoma

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement: EPSCoR Research Incubators for STEM Excellence (E-RISE)

The National Science Foundation just released the solicitation for their 2025 ESPCoR E-RISE program. This program supports and builds STEM-driven, jurisdiction-wide research activities and incubators with the potential to position the team to be nationally and internationally competitive within a chosen research field. The E-RISE program is designed to provide EPSCoR-eligible jurisdictions with funding to support the ability to competitively engage in high quality research in a scientific field. It also incubates novel, leading-edge ideas that will lead to increased research capacity and competitiveness in the topical area and sustainable improvements in the jurisdiction's academic research infrastructure and human networks related to the chosen topical area.

Funding: Maximum of $8,000,000 over a period of four years with the potential for a renewal project award with a maximum budget of $4,500,000 over a period of three additional years. 


(1) Institutions of higher education (PhD-granting and non-PhD-granting), acting on behalf of their faculty members, that are accredited in and have a campus in the United States, its territories, or possessions.

(2) Non-profit, non-degree-granting domestic U.S. organizations, acting on behalf of their employees, that include (but are not limited to) independent museums and science centers, observatories, research laboratories, professional societies, and similar organizations that are directly associated with the Nation's research or educational activities.

(3) Tribal Governments with the governing body of any Indian or Alaska Native tribe, band, nation, pueblo, village, or community that the Secretary of the Interior acknowledges to exist as an Indian tribe under the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of 1994 or Indigenous communities that are not recognized by the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of 1994. 

Application Due: August 12, 2025 (5pm submitting organization's local time)

For more information: Contact BRI at or 585-431-3416 or read the solicitation here.

Tags: Grant Opportunities Higher Education HigherEd STEM
Sections: Grant Opportunities Higher Education STEM