Creating Pathways to Technology and Manufacturing Careers

Feb 15, 2023 at 10:33 pm by Amanda Lai

Grant Opportunity: The New York State Education Department is now accepting proposals for the 2023-2030 NYS Pathways in Technology Early College High School (NYS P-TECH) Program. This grant will fund partnerships between New York State school districts/ BOCES, nonprofit higher education institutions, and regional employers/ industries to prepare students for careers in technology and manufacturing by creating an integrated program combining high school, college, and career training.
P-TECH projects should consist of comprehensive education focused on STEM knowledge and skills between grades 9 and 14 and should culminate in an Associate of Applied Science degree or a two-year degree. Projects should also include workplace learning such as mentoring by professionals in the chosen career sector. 
Eligibility: New York State public school districts and BOCES may apply as fiscal agents/applicants.
Grant Amount and Period: The maximum annual award is $500,000.  Applicants can propose projects between four and six years in duration taking place between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2030.
Application Deadline: Applications must be postmarked by March 31st, 2023.
For more information: For more information, please see the P-TECH announcement. 
Brockport Research Institute is a NYS certified woman-owned business enterprise that provides grant-writing, evaluation, project management, and professional learning services.  If you or your organization are interested in this grant and want to know how Brockport Research Institute can help, please reach out to us at or 1585-431-3416. Brockport Research Institute is not affiliated with this grant program or the New York State Education Department.
Tags: Career Grant Opportunities Higher Education HigherEd K12 NY NYS Technology
Sections: Grant Opportunities