Looking for new grant opportunities? Get ahead of the game and discuss with your leadership team now whether you want to pursue these grants when they are announced! Give yourself time to plan ahead and line up necessary support for your grant application, so your team will be ready.
There are several anticipated new grants from the New York State Education Department, further details will be published as we have them:
2018-2023 Clinically-Rich Intensive Teacher Institute in Bilingual Education and English to Speakers of Other Languages (CR-ITI-BE/ESOL). The anticipated release date was 10/2/17 but as of this posting, further information has not yet been released.
Mentor Teacher Internship Program (MTIP). Anticipated release date is 11/1/17.
Teacher Opportunity Corp (TOC). Anticipated release date is 11/1/17.
Teacher Leader Quality Partnerships (TLQP) (Educational Leadership Program Enhancement). Anticipated release date is 1/2/18.
Teacher Leader Quality Partnerships (TLQP) (In-Service PD Program). Anticipated release date is 1/2/18.
Is your district interested in applying for these grants and in need of a grant writer or project evaluator? Check out BRI's services in these areas. To see a current list of grants being administered through NYSED, visit the grant page at NYSED.
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