Brockport Research Institute

24 Brook Terrace | Brockport, NY 14420

Call us at: 1-585-431-3416

Project Management

Project Management is the key to meeting specific objectives whether you’re a non-profit, business, or school district. Project management is the application of processes, methods, knowledge, skills, and experience to get the job done. Our experienced team can provide you with a range of project management services from Executive Coaching for educational leaders, meeting facilitation, and goal setting to full oversight and project directing. If your grants department is experiencing turnover or you are interested in outsourcing, we can provide ongoing support including prospecting, proposal-writing, record-keeping, reporting, budget management and training new employees. We are experienced in working with state and local agencies, private foundations, as well as vendors. Our experience with minority/women-owned business enterprise (M/WBE) requirements can help grant recipients and sub-contractors navigate the complexities of meeting the stringent M/WBE regulations.

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