Congratulations to TST BOCES for receipt of a competitive grant from the New York State Education Department under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title II and Welfare Education Program. Through this funding, TST BOCES will expand its existing adult secondary education, English as a Second Language, and vocational training programs.
Expanded programming will assist adults who are learning English or lack their high school diploma with literacy skills and the completion of a secondary education degree while preparing them for employment in three local in-demand industries: healthcare, hospitality and manufacturing.
These integrated education and training programs will be designed in conjunction with local employers to meet the community’s workforce needs and ensure graduates have the skills to excel in their chosen field. Job readiness and case management services will also be available to support students as they navigate the life challenges associated with returning to school and the workforce as an adult.
For more information on how BRI’s grant writing services can assist your agency in securing funding to expand its programs, please
visit our website.