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Biomimicry and Art of Aeronautics in Nature Competition Launches January 2022!

Nov 14, 2021 at 11:35 pm by Amanda Lai

BAAN banner with images of birds flying

STEM Stewardship, Inc. is now seeking teams of grade 6-8 and grade 9-12 to participate in the Biomimicry and Art of Aeronautics in Nature (BAAN) Competition. This competition focuses on teams engineering and operating bird and insect ornithopters- aircrafts that fly through the flapping of wings-, academic challenges around ornithology, entomology, and botany, and an art symposium. In order to minimize financial burden, BAAN does not charge a submission fee, will meet the the first portion of each team’s fundraising, and will provide the priciest components directly to the teams. Teams of up to 12 students plus three supervising adults, including a coach, from New York State schools and organizations are invited to apply.
The BAAN Competition officially launches on January 22, 2022 and will culminate in an culminating competition on May 7, 2022, at the North Syracuse Jr. High School in North Syracuse, New York. If you and your team are interested in participating in this year's BAAN Competition, reach out to
Visit the STEM Stewardship, Inc. website here for more information about BAAN.
Sections: Information STEM